Office of General Education

New Common Curriculum course and experience proposal forms available

Updated Common Curriculum course and approved program or organization proposal forms are now available for download.

Based on recommendations from the Council on General Education and to improve proposal experience, each Common Curriculum (CC) Foundation, Breadth, and Proficiency & Experience will have its own form. Individual forms will aid the proposer in addressing all requirements during the first submission, improve the ability of CoGE to offer targeted feedback to the proposers when necessary, and aid in the CoGE review process to ensure all criteria are met.

Departments and proposers can submit course or experience proposals for any CC Foundations, Breadth, or Proficiencies & Experiences components via the Office of General Education online proposal system. At the same time, sponsors of programs and organizations will be able to submit proposals for Proficiency & Experience components via the same system.

Updates that make the new proposal forms more user-friendly include:

  • fillable PDF formatting,
  • more space for descriptions and explanations,
  • links to the CC rubrics to ensure accuracy, and
  • individual forms for each component rather than selecting one component via a checkbox.

If you have any questions about the new forms, proposing a course or experience, or the Common Curriculum, please contact the Office of General Education.

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