Residence Life Residential Commons

Commons cooking: Good, campus-friendly recipes

Tired of heating up frozen meals on the weekend? Here’s some easy – and delicious – recipes from across the web – and contributions from SMU students! – that can easily be recreated in your commons!

Egg recipe courtesy of Rowan Goble

1) Check out Buzzfeed

Really though! The only equipment you need for these recipes is a microwave, a mug, and a can-do spirit. The recipes here range from pasta – you can never go wrong with some mac’ n’ cheese – to healthier fare, like the “Broccoli Edamame Quinoa Bowl.”

A vegan/Paleo chocolate recipe, courtesy of Rowan Goble.

2) Spoon University

Spoon University is a great resource (in case you didn’t know, check out the SMU chapter on insta @spoon_smu!) Whenever I need inspiration, I always go to Spoon University. They have a wide variety of recipes for any skill level and budget – which is even more helpful now that dining options are limited.

Recommended Recipes: 

      1. Microwave Spaghetti in a Mug 
      2. Literally any of these recipes


Salmon recipe courtesy of Rowan Goble.

3) The old standby: Ramen

It’s a classic for a reason: affordable, easy to make, and delicious.  And, while it’s great on its own, sometimes you just need to change things up. Check out this article for ways to upgrade your microwave ramen!

Cookie recipe courtesy of Rowan Goble.

4) Quesadillas and Nachos

This one is pretty straightforward – compile your quesadilla or nachos and microwave until the cheese is melted! 


Recipes courtesy of Rowan Goble, Ware Commons –

Egg Recipes PDF: 3 Egg Recipes

Vegan Chocolate PDF: Vegan Chocolate Recipe

Salmon PDF: Salmon Recipe

Cookie PDF: Cookie Recipe


Happy cooking!

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