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![]() Click here to listen to an interview with Elizabeth Thornburg on KERA’s Think. To book a live or taped interview with Dr. Thornburg in the SMU Broadcast Studio, call 214-768-7650 or email |
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- KERA Think: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions
- Lawtalk: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions
- Elizabeth G. Thornburg
- SMU Dedman School of Law
More SMU Research news
Elizabeth Thornburg never imagined that she would be turning to Dr. Seuss, Shakespeare and vaudeville for legal research. But those sources proved invaluable when she joined forces with another law professor, a law librarian and a legal lexicographer for the book “Lawtalk: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions” (Yale University Press, 2011).
Written by SMU Dedman School of Law professor Thornburg, along with James E. Clapp, Marc Galanter and Fred Shapiro, Lawtalk explores the origins and uses of 77 popular law-related expressions, including some of Thornburg’s favorites:
Blue laws: Government regulation of behavior intended to enforce moral values. “The name was popularized by a Connecticut Anglican priest with an ax to grind,” Thornburg says.
CSI effect: The impact that the television show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation might have on real juries in real criminal cases. “CSI and similar shows depict trace evidence being analyzed by earnest, attractive, well-dressed technicians. The results are portrayed as fast, cheap, objective, and completely reliable. This incomplete fictional portrait worries both prosecution and defense lawyers … ”
Lawyers, guns & money: A catchphrase denoting the “incentive to fight with all the tools available” adopted from the Warren Zevon song by the same name.
Kangaroo court: Surprisingly, this phrase didn’t jump from Australia to the U.S. It surfaced during the frontier days of Texas. At least three different kinds of “courts” went by this name: Those run by the ranchmen to enforce rules of the cattle business; those run by cowboys to enforce their own protocols (as in cleaning up the “smutty” language around the campfires); and those used to haze newcomers and everyone else.
Thin blue line: An image in which the “police, clad in blue, form a shield between the law-abiding populace and the criminal elements and forces of evil” is actually related to British army “red coats.”
Green card: The card — representing a noncitizen’s right to live and work in the United States indefinitely — isn’t actually green. (Well, not any more.) And it’s a great example of “Spanglish,” or the way words switch back and forth between languages, Thornburg says. “The earliest reference to ‘green card’ was in a 1962 story in the ‘Los Angeles Times’ by reporter Ruben Salazar, who did a four-part series about Mexican seasonal farm workers.” In quoting the workers, Salazar used the Spanish term “tarjeta verde” and translated it as “green card” throughout the series and in many subsequent articles. It quickly spread, becoming common in English in 1964, “ironically, just as the card stopped being green,” Thornburg says.
But then, something even more interesting began to happen: The language swap went back the other way. Two years ago Thornburg noticed an immigration advice column in the Dallas-based Spanish-language newspaper “Al Día.” Instead of talking about a ‘tarjeta verde,’ the newspaper referred to it as a “green card” — in English. As “Al Dia” copy chief Jorge Chávez explained, “We believe at this point ‘green card’ is a term understood by all our readers. Most Spanish speakers use ‘green card’ in their everyday lingo, and not ‘tarjeta verde.’ ”
Thornburg enjoys the insights that come from studying what language can tell us about the law. “Law pervades U.S. society, and the words and metaphors we use to talk about law give powerful clues about our values and what’s important to Americans as a people,” she says. “Tracing where legal language comes from can also highlight the impact of history, good and bad, on today’s law.”
Thornburg, who joined SMU in 1984, teaches and writes in the area of civil procedure and the intersection of law and culture. Drawing on her experience with civil rights and commercial litigation, her scholarship focuses on the procedural fairness of the litigation process, especially at the pleadings, discovery and jury charge stages. The Norwalk, Conn., native also writes and speaks in the areas of comparative procedure, complex litigation and online dispute resolution.
“I think people will enjoy this book,” she says. “While based on solid scholarship, it’s written to be fun to read. Linguists will love all the new discoveries about the origins of legal terms. Lawyers will love discovering the richness of our verbal universe. Historians will love observing the seamlessness of legal and non-legal history.” — Denise Gee
For more information about “Lawtalk,” click here.
SMU has an uplink facility on campus for live TV, radio or online interviews. To speak with an SMU expert or to book them in the SMU studio, call SMU News & Communications at 214-768-7650 or UT Dallas Office of Media Relations at 972-883-4321.
KERA: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions
- Post author By Margaret Allen
- Post date December 16, 2011
Book a live interview
![]() Click here to listen to an interview with Elizabeth Thornburg on KERA’s Think. To book a live or taped interview with Dr. Thornburg in the SMU Broadcast Studio, call 214-768-7650 or email |
Related links
- KERA Think: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions
- Lawtalk: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions
- Elizabeth G. Thornburg
- SMU Dedman School of Law
More SMU Research news
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Krys Boyd, host and managing editor of KERA-FM’s flagship midday talk show “Think,” interviewed SMU law professor Elizabeth Thornburg about her research into the origins of popular legal expressions.
In the “Think” segment “The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions,” Thornburg discusses some of her favorite expressions in the book, “Lawtalk: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions” (Yale University Press, 2011).
Written with James E. Clapp, Marc Galanter and Fred Shapiro, Lawtalk explores the origins and uses of 77 popular law-related expressions.
Thornburg teaches and writes in the area of civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution. Drawing on her experience with civil rights and commercial litigation, her scholarship focuses on the procedural fairness of the litigation process, especially at the pleadings, discovery, and jury charge stages. She also writes and speaks in the areas of comparative procedure, online dispute resolution, and the intersection of law and culture.
Thornburg has visited at the law schools at William & Mary, University of Edinburgh, and, most recently, West Virginia University where she held the John T. Copenhaver Visiting Chair.
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SMU has an uplink facility located on campus for live TV, radio, or online interviews. To speak with an SMU expert or book an SMU guest in the studio, call SMU News & Communications at 214-768-7650.