AAR-SBL presentations in Denver
Perkins and SMU were well-represented when the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature took place Nov. 17-20 in Denver. Many Perkins School of Theology and SMU professors—as well as SMU Ph.D. students— presented research and participated on panels and in committees. A complete list of Perkins- and SMU-affiliated speakers, including their presentation topics, is available here. In addition, Perkins friends and alumni/ae at the meeting, as well as those in the greater Denver area, gathered November 18 for the annual Perkins-SMU reception at the Sheraton Denver Downtown.
Perkins Faculty Receive Sam Taylor Fellowships
Five Perkins faculty members have been named recipients of Sam Taylor Fellowships from the Sam Taylor Fellowship Fund of the Division of Higher Education, United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. They are: Jaime Clark-Soles, Natalia Marandiuc, Hal Recinos, Marcell Steuernagel and Ted Campbell. The Fellowships, funded by income from a portion of Taylor’s estate, award up to $2,000 for full-time faculty members at United Methodist-related colleges and universities in Texas and support research, “advancing the intellectual, social or religious life of Texas and the nation.” Campbell, for example, will use the funds to help with a proposal for a second edition of his video “Five Waves Over Dallas” on waves of migration into Dallas.
Marandiuc Book Wins Prize

Indiana Wesleyan University’s John Wesley Honors College announced that Natalia Marandiuc’s The Goodness of Home: Human and Divine Love and the Making of the Self (Oxford University Press, 2018) is the winner of the 2018 Aldersgate Prize. The selection committee unanimously chose “The Goodness of Home” among 70 nominations. For more information, read here. Marandiuc, assistant professor of Christian theology at Perkins, will accept the prize at IWU in April. Read more here.
McKenzie To Be Recognized at Preachapalooza

The board of directors of Academy of Preachers, Inc., has nominated Alyce McKenzie, LeVan Professor of Preaching and Worship at Perkins, to be honored with its 2019 Preachapalooza Honors in recognition of her “exemplary contributions to Christian ministry in the area of Homiletical Writing.” The honor will be awarded at a Gala in Atlanta on January 4, 2019. The Academy of Preachers is a national ecumenical initiative dedicated to supporting and inspiring young people in their call to gospel preaching.