March 2022 News Perspective Online

Faculty Updates: March 2022

Spring Lecture

Dr. Sze-kar Wan will present the 2022 Spring Lecture at The Paul C. Hiebert Center for World Christianity and Global Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School at Trinity International University (TIU) in Deerfield, Ill. The lecture, “God or Political Power? Hong Kong and Chinese Christians in Dialogue with American Evangelicals,” will be presented Tuesday, March 15 at 3 p.m. on the campus of TIU. Wan, professor of New Testament at Perkins, will examine how Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Protestants wrestle with Romans 13 and issues related to church and state, and how their hermeneutics might generate a constructive dialogue with American Evangelicals. The mission of the Hiebert Center is to promote strategic collaboration between North American and Majority World Christians for the advancement of the gospel.

Black History Month Speaker

Tamara Lewis was the kickoff speaker at Pepperdine University’s Black History Month Speaker Series, sponsored by the Center for Global Partnerships and Learning in association with the Graduate School of Education and Psychology.  Lewis delivered the keynote for the virtual Zoom event on Feb. 4, speaking on, “‘WHAT SAY WE NOW?’ Critical Race Theory, Black History and the American Legacy of Church and State.”


Tribute Video

The Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence has produced a video tribute to the Rev. Dr. Henry Mitchell. Mitchell passed away January 15 at the age of 102. He was the eldest member of the guild of homileticians, scholars who research, write about, and teach preaching.  The son and grandson of preachers, Mitchell was educated at Lincoln University, Union School of Theology, California State University, and Claremont School of Theology. After distinguished contributions to both academy and church, in 1970 he turned his considerable talents in the direction of preaching, a field which was dominated by white scholars. In that year he published his groundbreaking book Black Preaching, in which he traced the history of Black preaching from the griot of Africa to the slave preachers to modern day. He highlighted the essence and genius of Black preaching as celebration, specifically of the Sovereignty of God over against the persecutions and sufferings wrought on the Black church through the centuries. From there he went on to publish multiple books and mentor many scholars through whom his influence lives on. Much of his lecturing, preaching, and writing was done in partnership with his beloved, gifted wife Ella. The video honoring Dr. Mitchell, consisting of tributes from 21 colleagues and former students, can be found here.

Paula Dobbs-Wiggins Honored

Paula Dobbs-Wiggins, M.D., was recently awarded the Pamela Blumenthal Memorial Award as part of the 2022 PRISM Awards, presented by Mental Health America of Greater Dallas. Dobbs-Wiggins, M.D., serves as Chairwoman of Parkland Health & Hospital System Board of Managers. She is a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice and Adjunct Professor of the Practice of Pastoral Care at Perkins.

According to a press release, Dobbs-Wiggins “has worked to increase dialogue and collaboration between mental health and religious professionals to promote greater understanding of mental illnesses and decrease stigma that often results in people not availing themselves of effective treatment.”  The PRISM Awards honor those who have made a lasting impact in the community on behalf of individuals with mental illness and have worked to improve awareness of mental health issues. The recipients will receive their awards at an in-person evening reception on March 24.

Preaching and Humor

Alyce M. McKenzie, Le Van Professor of Preaching and Worship, was recently interviewed by freelance writer Judith Valente for an article on humor and faith. The story will appear in the May Issue of U.S. Catholic and will be available online in April.