May 2021 News Perspective Online

2021 Annual Conference Alumni/ae Gatherings

2021 Perkins Annual Conference Alumni/ae Gatherings

One of the highlights of the annual conference sessions of The United Methodist Church, particularly within the South Central Jurisdiction, is the annual gathering of alums from Perkins School of Theology for a meal and conversation with Perkins representatives.  This year, because of ongoing concerns about COVID-19 and the ability to gather safely, annual conference sessions are not yet back to “normal” and alumni/ae gatherings have been impacted. However, Perkins alumni/ae will have the chance to connect virtually at the following Annual Conferences. Here are the events finalized as of May 4:

Texas Annual Conference – Monday, May 31, 6-7:30 p.m. (Central Time)

Arkansas Annual Conference – Thursday, June 3, 6:30-8 p.m(Central Time)

North Texas Annual Conference – Wednesday, June 16, 10-11 a.m. (Central Time)

Rio Texas Annual Conference – No alumni/ae gathering in conjunction with this year’s annual conference.

Perkins alums from these annual conferences will receive an e-mail invitation and all are asked to RSVP to Rachel Holmes, Office of Public Affairs and Alumni/ae Relations, at  Once the RSVP is received, alums will receive the Zoom link for the gathering.

Likewise, Perkins displays will accommodate the request of each annual conference.  In most cases, our “display” will include downloadable fliers or promotional video, which will be available on each annual conference website.  Perkins will host one ‘live’ (virtual) display at the Great Plains Annual Conference during these dates/times: Friday, May 28 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 12:15-1:15 p.m; and Saturday, May 29, from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Central Time.

Check back with this page for additional events as they are scheduled. Because of the fluidity of annual conference sessions, including postponement or shortened meeting dates, other alumni/ae events are yet to be finalized. Annual conference alums will receive an e-mail notification when/if an event is scheduled.  The Office of Public Affairs and Alumni/ae Relations is working closely with Perkins Alumni/ae Council representatives from each annual conference to make final determinations about when/whether a gathering will be held.
Questions?  Contact the Office of Public Affairs and Alumni/ae Relations, Perkins School of Theology: