Texas must show that the world can count on American energy in a crisis

Oct. 29, James Coleman, professor at SMU Dallas Dedman School of Law and faculty advisory board member of the Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center along with co-author Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez, for a commentary advocating that Texas and the U.S. be reliable energy providers to customers in Mexico, Asia and Europe. Published in the Houston Chronicle under the heading Texas must show that the world can count on American energy in a crisis: https://bit.ly/2ZrXATf

Texas is at the center of a global energy crisis that is causing leaders around the world to warn of looming energy shortages. Texas relies on renewable energy backed by natural gas to fuel its growing electricity use, and is seeing both the benefits and challenges of being at the forefront of the global transition to cleaner energy sources. Texas is also at the heart of the increasingly global gas market, and countries around the world are counting on the state’s booming gas exports to back their own move to renewable energy.

Consumers in Asia, Europe and particularly Mexico need Texas’ natural gas to get them through the coming winter. Texas must demonstrate that it is a reliable source of gas in this energy crisis. If Texas and the United States hoard energy, they will not just endanger the economic future of its oil and gas industry, but also the rest of the world’s clean energy transition.

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