Biden’s proposed ban would harm economy, environment

Sept. 4, James Coleman, law professor in Dedman School of Law specializing in energy law, for a piece questioning Joe Biden’s idea to suspend all oil & gas permits on U.S. public lands. Published in the Las Vegas Review Journal:

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s new climate plan promises to start his Presidency with a series of “Day One Unprecedented Executive Actions” that include “banning new oil and gas permitting on public land and water.” Biden and the other Democratic candidates should make clear whether they support this ban, which would reverse President Barack Obama’s energy policies and lay waste to America’s growing energy economy.

Biden’s order would completely shut down drilling on public lands — including the 85 percent of Nevada owned by the federal government. No new leases and no permits for new wells on existing leases.This ban would violate the laws Congress has made to govern public lands but it would be very difficult to challenge in court. Even if a judge ordered Biden’s administration to continue issuing permits, it could slow-walk them or throw up other obstacles to make it practically impossible to drill on public lands. . .


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