Don’t let the pandemic pause your career. Seize opportunities to network online

Aug. 14, Liz Navarro, a communications consultant and adjunct professor of public speaking at SMU Dallas, for a commentary advocating for business professionals to keep networking during the pandemic.  Published in the Dallas Morning News:

Networking is one of the most powerful ways for us to connect to new opportunities in our careers. For those of us who have traditionally relied on networking to find mentors or clients, learn new skills, or engage with people from our industry, 2020 may have felt isolating, lonely, and lacking in ways to create real connections.

Luckily, there are still ways to create meaningful connections and grow relationships in our virtual world. Platforms like LinkedIn, conferences that have gone digital, and online networking groups offer opportunities to meet the people who may become our next hire, partner, collaborator or advocate.

A caveat: Digital networking isn’t about sending cold LinkedIn sales messages or increasing the number of followers on our profiles. It’s about building real relationships with people who find value in our work and starting conversations that lead to mutually beneficial collaborations. . .

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