Here’s to hoping Joe Biden remembers his ‘you can’t eat equality’ line

Jan 18, Robert Lawson, who directs the Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom in the Cox School of Business at SMU Dallas, for a piece reminding incoming President Joe Biden that he once said: “You can’t eat equality.” Published in the Orange County Register and affiliates of the Southern California News Group with the heading Here’s to hoping Joe Biden remembers his ‘you can’t eat equality’ line:

Hillary Clinton’s defeat by Donald Trump in 2016 generated a lot of soul searching among Democrats confused about how they could lose to such a loathsome creature. Predictably, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the growing left-wing of the party called for more efforts to fight inequality, social injustice, racism, globalism, and whatever other –ism of the day motivates their always-outraged, activist followers on any given day.

Clinton seemed content to put on her tin-foil hat blaming the nefarious forces of Russian Facebook bots instead of her own lackluster campaign. Meanwhile, among the Democrats, only Joe Biden seemed to get it. The then-vice president correctly diagnosed the problem to be that the Democrats had run too far to the left blaming racism, sexism, and inequality for every problem in America and had lost touch with the party’s traditional jobs and opportunity message. At one point he quipped, “you can’t eat equality. You know?”

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