Untangling the web we weave when Twitter tags elicit Trump threats

May 28, Jared Schroeder, associate professor of Journalism specializing in Free Press/Free Speech at SMU Dallas, for a piece identifying what’s at stake – and what is not – in the “Freedom of Speech” tiff between President Trump and Twitter. Published in the Orange County Register and Southern California News Group: https://bit.ly/36DpdrX

The First Amendment, social media, and the president became tangled up again Tuesday when Twitter for the first time tagged one of President Trump’s tweets as false and misleading.

Twitter added a link beneath a set of tweets about mail-in voting. The company urged users to “get the facts about mail-in ballots.” The link indicates there is no evidence of a correlation between voter fraud and mail-in ballots.

The president offered a variety of responses, including that the tag violated his free speech and that he might “shut down” or regulate Twitter.

Let me untangle this mess for you, one string at a time. . .

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