
Frequently Asked Questions About the Facilities Initiative

What is the goal of the Facilities Initiative’s inquiries on space utilization and energy consumption?

The goal is to create an accurate representation of spaces on campus, determine how they are being used, and consider if there are opportunities to relocate some functions to SMU’s main campus. These relocations could create rental revenues that would be reinvested back into the academic mission of the University.

What opportunities are being explored through this process?

Opportunities could be identified across a variety of different areas, such as making scheduling processes more efficient and making better use of current spaces, including the possible reconfiguration of existing spaces to improve overall efficiency, while also maximizing revenues for the University.

What is the process for arriving at recommendations?

Members from the Facilities Initiative will be collecting data from all critical stakeholders. This data will be analyzed and recommendations will be made to the Steering Committee; after they give approval, recommendations are sent to the Executive Committee, led by President Turner.

How can I provide input on this Initiative?

You are welcome to reach out to the group via the OE2C website online comment form to ask a specific question or provide any feedback or information you think would be beneficial to this process.

By Nick Rallo
