Microsoft Outlook & Teams: Exploring the Pros and Cons of New Features – To Stay or Go?

Microsoft 365 Outlook IconNot long ago, the new Outlook for Mac was introduced, causing some pain points for users. Recently, Microsoft made additional enhancements, prompting users to explore the new Outlook for Windows and Microsoft 365 Teams Iconnew Teams, which is available on both Mac and Windows. When a product is in beta status, it’s important to examine the features and assess options before making the switch. Continue reading  Microsoft Outlook & Teams: Exploring the Pros and Cons of New Features – To Stay or Go?

Teams-Certified Headsets Chosen for Campus Use

The Jabra Evolve2 40As part of our transition from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams in 2024, OIT has been working on selecting a new standard headset for the SMU community. We’re pleased to announce that we have selected the Jabra Evolve2 40 as our primary headset! Continue reading Teams-Certified Headsets Chosen for Campus Use

Microsoft Teams to Replace Skype for Business in 2024

Microsoft Teams logoSkype for Business (SfB), which has served SMU for many years, formerly as Microsoft Lync and Microsoft Communicator, is now stepping aside.

Soon, Microsoft Teams will replace SfB as our primary instant messaging and communications platform. This will include your SMU phone number being moved to Teams! As this is a major undertaking, it will require changes to telephone devices on campus. While we are still working on our roadmap, here are a few things you can expect during the transition. Continue reading Microsoft Teams to Replace Skype for Business in 2024

Microsoft Teams: Don’t Forget to Renew!

Microsoft Teams logoAdoption of Microsoft Teams across campus has accelerated over the past few years, and with that comes routine upkeep to make sure your team stays active. OIT policy sets Microsoft Teams and Groups to expire after one year. Make sure you pay attention to your email for the 30, 15, and one-day expiration reminders to renew your team(s) and keep them active. Continue reading Microsoft Teams: Don’t Forget to Renew!

Transcription Coming to Microsoft Teams Meetings Recordings

Microsoft Teams logoStarting July 28, 2022, Microsoft Team users will be able to take advantage of transcription services for Microsoft Teams Meeting recordings. This will allow meeting organizers to display captions during the playback of meeting recordings.  Continue reading Transcription Coming to Microsoft Teams Meetings Recordings