Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect

No SPAM or phishing emailEarlier this summer we told you about our upcoming switch to a new spam filter for SMU email accounts. Well, the time is here to make the switch! As we move to the new Microsoft Defender-based filtering platform in the coming weeks, here’s a summary of how to report spam and view your Junk E-Mail folders. Continue reading Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect

Microsoft Defender to Begin Filtering Spam This Summer

Microsoft Defender logo.As one of the final steps in our cloud email migration project, OIT will soon retire our legacy Cisco IronPort spam filtering and replace it with Microsoft’s Defender spam filtering service. While providing better real-time spam filtering and detection using artificial intelligence, this transition also means new ways of managing your spam quarantine. Keep reading to find out more! Continue reading Microsoft Defender to Begin Filtering Spam This Summer

Exchange Email Migration to the Cloud Nears Completion

Email MigrationIn late January, OIT began migrating our on-premises Exchange mailboxes to the Microsoft 365 cloud platform, where our student email accounts have resided for many years. We will complete our final migration by the end of April! As we conclude this project, faculty and staff email accounts will receive a higher storage quota of 100GB. In addition, faculty and staff will be assigned access to a variety of office applications that are part of the Office 365 suite at the end of April.  These include Continue reading Exchange Email Migration to the Cloud Nears Completion

Faculty/Staff Email Accounts to Move to the Cloud

Email MigrationWhile SMU student email accounts were moved to our Microsoft 365 cloud service back in 2015, it is now time to finally move the rest of our accounts to the cloud.  This will simplify mailbox management and reduce the hardware and energy costs of self-hosted email servers. Since this migration is a huge undertaking, we would like to outline what to expect in the coming months.
Continue reading Faculty/Staff Email Accounts to Move to the Cloud

Modern Authentication and You

login screenshotAs we continue to improve information security measures on campus, we will be implementing more modern authentication methods to our Microsoft services to increase security and improve your login experience on December 19, 2022. This new form of authentication will also minimize the frequency of entering your password, along with helping to prevent those irritating account lockouts that may occur when updating your SMU password. The actions you’ll need to take are minimal, but we’d like to make you aware of them. Continue reading Modern Authentication and You