Canvas Corner: Context Cards, To Do Lists, & Full-Screen Canvas on Mobile

Canvas Corner

Every month in Canvas Corner, we discuss the new features and enhancements available in Canvas. This month, we cover new WalkMe guides, new Canvas Context Cards, Student Dashboard updates, and mobile full-screen view. Continue reading Canvas Corner: Context Cards, To Do Lists, & Full-Screen Canvas on Mobile

Introducing Respondus LockDown Browser

Responds LockDownWe are pleased to introduce Respondus LockDown Browser for use with Canvas Quizzes to “lockdown” a student’s browser during proctored exams.  The specialized browser, designed exclusively for secure quizzing, is stripped of all plugins and add-ons to provide a stable and secure testing experience.  If students attempt to take a “locked down” quiz through Canvas without the secure browser, they will be directed to download the application on their Windows or Apple systems, or to use the LockDown Browser on an iPad.   Continue reading Introducing Respondus LockDown Browser