Legendary Free Audio Editor Gets an Upgrade: Audacity 2.2.0

Audacity LogoIf you’ve ever needed to find a program to edit audio on your computer, you’ve probably stumbled on Audacity in your Internet travels. Audacity has been around for almost twenty years, and the team that maintains the software just announced a significant upgrade! Continue reading Legendary Free Audio Editor Gets an Upgrade: Audacity 2.2.0

OIT Updates Technology in SMU Classrooms Over the Summer

Epson ScreenDuring the summer, the AV team tackled a large number of projects to refresh technology in over 116 classrooms.  The list of items was presented to the Academic Technology Council last spring after gathering input from the Schools on wish list items. Towards the end of the semester, six rooms were added and funding authorized to prototype new technology in conjunction with various pedagogical styles. Continue reading OIT Updates Technology in SMU Classrooms Over the Summer