Phone Replacement Project In Flight

Skype for BusinessThe phone replacement project is now in flight. In June, OIT held a project kickoff meeting with our third-party support team, Integration Partners. The platform selected to replace our phones is Microsoft Skype for Business. Additionally, we will implement Anywhere365 for our call center technology solution.   Continue reading Phone Replacement Project In Flight

STAR Students Available for Instructional Technology Projects

SMU STAR ProgramThe Student Technology Assistant in Residence (STAR) Program is available to work with faculty and academic departments on short-term instructional technology projects. STAR students handle the technical stuff, allowing you to focus on the content. Michael Robertson, Academic Technology Services Director for Dedman College, manages the STAR Program. There are currently three STAR students with plans to add two additional students in the spring. Continue reading STAR Students Available for Instructional Technology Projects

IT Shared Services: Quarterly Report Now Available

As part of our continuing efforts to make as many of our processes as transparent as possible, our third quarter reports for all campus IT departments are now available for your reference. Click here for a list of all of the documents.

Each document is a separate report for each school and the Central University Libraries. They contain details on the amount of incidents that were reported and how they were handled. There are also updates from our Director of Customer Service, Rachel Mulry, on the large-scale IT projects taking place in each area.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these reports, feel free to drop us a line at

Gaining Visibility into IT Projects

In addition to providing day to day operation of IT services, OIT is engaged in a number of projects to support the University. For instance, even if a department has selected a new software vendor, IT is routinely called upon to assist at some level with an implementation.  As we receive projects on a daily basis, each one is reviewed, approved, and then entered into TeamDynamix, our Project Management software. Project Managers are then selected and are responsible for spearheading the project, including communicating with appropriate personnel. We make these project available for review through TeamDynamix.

Project Highlights

We currently have over 60 projects that we are managing. Included are highlights of some of our critical summer projects: Continue reading Gaining Visibility into IT Projects