Over the summer, Microsoft released its latest versions of the Microsoft Office Specialist exams: Microsoft 365 Apps Associate and Microsoft 365 Apps Expert. Starting this semester, anyone interested in certifying with OIT will be offered the Microsoft 365 Apps exam, with the exception of the Outlook Associate exam, which is currently only available in the 2019 version. Continue reading Introducing the New Microsoft 365 Apps Exams
Category: Outlook
Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect
Earlier this summer we told you about our upcoming switch to a new spam filter for SMU email accounts. Well, the time is here to make the switch! As we move to the new Microsoft Defender-based filtering platform in the coming weeks, here’s a summary of how to report spam and view your Junk E-Mail folders. Continue reading Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect
Microsoft Defender to Begin Filtering Spam This Summer
As one of the final steps in our cloud email migration project, OIT will soon retire our legacy Cisco IronPort spam filtering and replace it with Microsoft’s Defender spam filtering service. While providing better real-time spam filtering and detection using artificial intelligence, this transition also means new ways of managing your spam quarantine. Keep reading to find out more! Continue reading Microsoft Defender to Begin Filtering Spam This Summer
Focused Inboxes To Be Disabled by Default in Outlook and How to Enable
One of the benefits of our move to the cloud in the Mailbox Migration project will be to provide easier configuration options for email clients, better security, and more mailbox storage capacity. To get there, we need to change some current configurations and security settings. Some of these, have already been completed, but come next Monday, January 23, 2023, we will set the Focus Inbox feature to off by default as another step in this project. Continue reading Focused Inboxes To Be Disabled by Default in Outlook and How to Enable
Faculty/Staff Email Accounts to Move to the Cloud
While SMU student email accounts were moved to our Microsoft 365 cloud service back in 2015, it is now time to finally move the rest of our accounts to the cloud. This will simplify mailbox management and reduce the hardware and energy costs of self-hosted email servers. Since this migration is a huge undertaking, we would like to outline what to expect in the coming months.
Continue reading Faculty/Staff Email Accounts to Move to the Cloud