Duo “Remember Me” Feature Issues Reported for Safari

DuoSeveral Universities have reported over the past few days that Duo no longer allows users to select the “Remember Me for 1 Day” option when using the Safari browser.

This issue has been reported to Duo and they are currently working on a fix for the problem. The root cause is most likely due to the most recent Safari update to version 10.14. Duo expects the fix to be implemented in the first week of December 2019. In the meantime, if you would like to have Duo remember your login for one day, you will need to use a different browser like Firefox or Google Chrome.

We’ll keep you notified on Twitter when this issue gets resolved!

CrashPlan Pro backup solution becomes standard for Windows 7

CrashPlan Pro, CrashplanSMU’s enterprise desktop backup solution, has been available for faculty/staff computers for several years on an opt-in basis.  Employees who wished to enable the backup system were required to install the software from the LANDesk software portal and sign in to trigger the backup process. The Opt-in process will be moving to an automated solution. Continue reading CrashPlan Pro backup solution becomes standard for Windows 7

LANDesk Client Upgrade Improves System Update Processes

LANDesk LogoSystem updates can certainly be a hassle, but they are essential to the security and reliability of computers across campus. One particular point of frustration is having to restart your computer for some updates to be applied properly. OIT has made a few tweaks to our computer inventory and management software, LANDesk, to ensure that individuals are notified when a restart is necessary for patch installation.

Continue reading LANDesk Client Upgrade Improves System Update Processes

Legendary Free Audio Editor Gets an Upgrade: Audacity 2.2.0

Audacity LogoIf you’ve ever needed to find a program to edit audio on your computer, you’ve probably stumbled on Audacity in your Internet travels. Audacity has been around for almost twenty years, and the team that maintains the software just announced a significant upgrade! Continue reading Legendary Free Audio Editor Gets an Upgrade: Audacity 2.2.0

InstructureCon Reveals Upcoming Features in Canvas

Instructurecon LogoLast month, instructional designers from around the world descended on Keystone, Colorado for the annual InstructureCon. This convention is hosted by Instructure, the makers of the Canvas LMS, to announce upcoming features as well as allow educators to discuss innovative ways of using Canvas. SMU’s own Canvas administrators paid a visit to the Rockies to find out more about what Canvas has up their sleeve, and they weren’t disappointed! Continue reading InstructureCon Reveals Upcoming Features in Canvas