New applications on Apporto for Faculty and Students

Apporto logoFor the past few years, students and faculty have been able to access different licensed applications in a hosted environment using their web browsers. These have been installed on either Apporto or Apps.SMU. In order to simplify the process for students, we have moved several applications over to Apporto rather than having them in different environments.

The following applications are now only available in Apporto for faculty and students: Continue reading New applications on Apporto for Faculty and Students

OIT Upgrades Classroom and Event Spaces

Classroom ControlsEach summer, a large batch of rooms receive upgrades or repairs to ensure they are ready for the Fall semester. Although the installation work occurs primarily during the summer months, the assessment and planning phase for the work begins in late Fall and heavily involves the input and recommendations of our Faculty Technology Council.

The Faculty Technology Council engages feedback from the faculty within their respective school on technology changes or needs. This year, we received recommendations to ensure all shared classrooms had   Continue reading OIT Upgrades Classroom and Event Spaces

Microsoft Defender to Replace Cylance for Anti-Virus at SMU

Microsoft Defender logoAll SMU Windows computers will transition from using CylancePROTECT to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as an anti-malware application during the summer of 2023. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is an industry-leading, cloud-powered endpoint security solution that helps to secure against ransomware, file-less malware, and other sophisticated attacks on Windows and macOS devices. Due to technical issues, the deployment for macOS will be scheduled during the upcoming academic year. Continue reading Microsoft Defender to Replace Cylance for Anti-Virus at SMU