This week, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) launched an updated site for Information Security at The site received a new look, new content, easier navigation, and is now more mobile friendly. The new Information Technology site makes it easy to educate yourself about security threats, quickly find security policies, protect your devices with OIT services, and report security incidents or lost devices.

OIT WebSite Refresh Project
This launch is just the beginning of a refresh for the entire OIT website. In a recent analysis of our website, we identified several changes for our website that could be completed to improve focus and integrate more of our story in the way the pages are designed. Over the summer, we will also be checking all our pages for accuracy, as we do annually. During that review, the pages will be updated with the same mobile friendly template used for Information Security. The site will also get new landing pages for the homepage, services, IT training, and several other sections. The goal will be to make the pages easier to use and, of course, more mobile-friendly.
Refreshing your own site
If you are curious about how you can update your pages on the SMU website, contact the IT Help Desk to get more information and consultation. You can also contact your area’s Web Captain for more details.