Phishing Alert: Help Desk Server Maintenance

Phishing AlertAnother phishing email just hit a number of SMU email addresses.  The message asks you to sign in to the Help Desk server for maintenance. It is sent from an address that is listed as the “Mailbox Helpdesk”. This is not a legitimate message.

Phishing Attempt Email

DO NOT click the link or provide your credentials.

If you do, please contact the Help Desk immediately at 214-768-4357.

Please remember to be on the lookout for these types of phishing emails, and always guard your password carefully.

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Published by

Ian Aberle

Ian Aberle is an Adobe Creative Educator and the Senior IT Communications Specialist & Trainer for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). For over 25 years, he has helped the SMU community use technology and implement digital and web media through multiple roles with the Digital Commons, SMU STAR Program, and now OIT. Ian enjoys photography and road trips with his family in his free time.