To support the implementation of the ePerformance module for on-going performance management in my.SMU, the Fondren Library Labs have been scheduled on the following dates and times. HR and OIT will be available during these times to:
- walk you through the process of creating and adding goals in the system
- share an overview of the annual process
- answer any questions you have
If you are a learner who just needs to get your hands on the system and have a live person near by to answer your questions immediately, or if your role does not require that you interact with my.SMU regularly, drop in at your convenience during the scheduled lab time. All sessions will be held in Fondren Library #110. We’ll be waiting for you!
- Friday, August 18 from 8:30-10:00 in Fondren 110
- Monday, August 21 from 10:30-noon in Fondren 109
- Wednesday, August 30 from 3:00-4:30 in Fondren 109
Not able to attend any of these days or times? Email and we’ll schedule additional sessions.