Welcome to Our Newest Employees Who Attended SMU & You on Sept. 25

The following employees attended SMU & YOU, an element of the Total Orientation Process at SMU.  During this workshop, they learned about the culture, mission, and values of the University community.  Please welcome them to the University!


From left to right:

Back Row:  James Kessenides, Ben Lippe, Susan Harris, Bobby Williams, Skyler Johnson, Katherine Glunt, Jon Horton,Lindsay Koch, Karen Milligan, Catherine Winnie, Junjie Ma
Middle Row: Colleen Durkin, Jennifer Bradford, Gentry Beck, Irma Skaggs, Beatriz Rios- McKee, Susan McAllister,
Front Row: Amy Hultquist, Katherine Woods, Beth McKnight, Desiree LaPointe, Briget Murphy
Not pictured: Kristin Fant

About Mary Stall

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