Welcome to Our New Employees

The following employees completed a half day workshop titled SMU & YOU. 
In this session they learned about the University’s culture, values and traditions.

These new employees attended SMU & You on August 11.

From left to right, seated: Shelby Ball, April Sayre, Laura Miller, Allison Witucki
From left to right, standing:  Jose DeHaro, Carrie Hunnicutt, Robert Burkett, Tamara Rogers, Ryan Raedisch, Ben Toon, Ronald Bowman, Michael Sasala, Janet Leung, Desiree Taylor, Nicole Briceno

Learn more about the Total Orientation Process for new employees at SMU.

New Manager Orientation is offered for those managers hired or newly promoted after August 30, 2010 or for any manager who wants to know about the resources available for those who supervise others.  Any SMU employee who desires to develop to a manager position may also enroll in these workshops by emailing developu@smu.edu.


About Mary Stall

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