Parking Update for the AUP Lot East of Expressway Tower!

Watch for signage at the Expressway Tower All University Parking (AUP) lot.

 The All University Parking Lot to the East of Expressway Tower is under renovation.  This is the lot used by employees with an SMU parking sticker who are visiting the HR office, or any other SMU entity officing at Expressway Tower.

We have been assured that during this process enough spaces will be left “in-use” to accommodate our customers who will be in the building for longer than 1 hour.  (Short term visitors may use the designated one hour parking spots surrounding the building itself.)

During this time of transition, we encourage main campus visitors to take Mustang Express as much as possible.  Should you need to drive a vehicle when visiting, and are unable to find parking in the AUP lot, please consider parking in the Mockingbird Station parking lot and walking to Expressway Tower.  Violators of the parking regulations will be subject to a parking violation.

We know this will be an inconvenience in the short term however, we look forward to renovated parking environment in the future!

Questions?  Give us a call at 214-768-3311 or email us.

About Mary Stall

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