12 Weeks to Better Heart Health

February is Heart Health month! The American Heart Association encourages YOU to take action by completing a FREE 12-week online heart health program called BetterU.

Each week, the BetterU program will focus on a different area of heart health, providing you information, tips and guidance to better your health and your heart. Connect with other BetterU participants, share your tips and goals for the program, and get help working through your barriers on the Go Red BetterU Forum. Take quizzes, keep a journal or use any of the other online tools to keep yourself motivated and enaged in the pursuit of better heart health.

Interested in earning Wellpower credits for completing this 12-week program? Email us at wellpower@smu.edu to use the BetterU program as a personal challenge and earn up to 10 Body credits per month.

We also encourage you to make a difference by donating or helping to raise funds that will improve educational programs, and develop new treatments for heart disease.

Don’t miss these SMU Heart Health month events!

About Lourdes Bravo

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