Take the “Live Healthy North Texas 100 Day Challenge” January 20 to April 29, 2011, and Earn 30 Wellpower Credits!

The Live Healthy North Texas 100 Day Challenge is a team-based weight loss and physical activity program that will assist you and your teammates in making positive changes that lead to a healthier lifestyle.

By competing in Live Healthy North Texas challenge, you will begin to form healthy habits through physical activity and improved nutrition. This city challenge is sponsored by the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce.

How Does It Work?
You and your team will track weight loss and/or minutes of activity during the 100 Day Challenge. Team members will report their progress on a weekly basis through the LHNT website and will be able to compare their own progress to the progress of other teams.

How Do We Start?
Step 1: Start a Team! Form a team of 2-10 co-workers, friends and family members.

Organize Your Team
Choose a team name. Get creative!
Gather your team’s e-mail addresses and T-shirt sizes.

Step 3:
Register Your Team Online
If you are a team captain, go to www.livehealthynorthtexas.org to register your team.
Enter the Group ID: LHNTSMU.

Step 4:
Report Weekly Progress and Win Prizes!
Set up your profile to qualify for rewards and select your FREE magazine subscription online.
Report your weekly progress online at www.livehealthynorthtexas.org.
If you do not have access to the Internet, your team captain can record

Earn Wellpower Credits!
If you create a team to take the challenge (even if you’re getting a late start), e-mail us at wellpower@smu.edu, and let us know who is on your team. Then let us know how your team did at the end of the challenge We will enter 10 Body credits per month for participating in the challenge for a total of 30 Body credits.

Keep in mind, this challenge is run by an outside organization, and we don’t have direct access to information you enter in their system. So emailing us directly is the only way we may know you’re participating.

More details!

About Lourdes Bravo

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