Anthropology Student Stories

Spotlight on: University Ph.D. Fellow Sara Mosher

SMU is proud to award University Ph.D. Fellowships to some of our most outstanding applicants.  Get to know a little more about one of our fantastic Anthropology Ph.D. students, Sara Mosher, currently in her second year at SMU.

Graduate Fellowship Student Portraits

What is your research area?
I’m a migration anthropologist, interested in what happens when people are forced to leave their home countries because of violence of persecution, and how these people are received in their host country.  I’ve done previous work with people from Afghanistan who resettled in the US, and in the future I hope to work with people from Syria.  My goal is to improve policy and programs for refugees in order to make their transition a little easier.

What is something cool about your field?
The coolest thing about anthropologists is that they are always ready to explore the world around them and make connections with people from all different backgrounds.  Anthropologists are interested in all the differences and similarities that make us human.

What is the best thing you’ve done as a graduate student at SMU so far?
Recently I presented at a symposium on forced migration, organized by the graduate students in the anthropology department.  It was terrific to be able to share our research with other people in the community who are working with refugees.

What is your favorite thing to do in Dallas?
On nice days I like to go for a jog around White Rock Lake.

What do you wish you’d known before starting graduate school?
One of the most important things for grad school sanity is to pick a hobby unrelated to your research, set a dedicated time for it each week, and stick to it no matter what.  Otherwise it’s easy to lose perspective and get overwhelmed.

What is your favorite leisure activity?
Rock climbing!  Texas is so flat, so there aren’t many places to go outdoors here.  But there are several local climbing gyms, including one right here at SMU.

You can read more about our other University Ph.D. Fellows here.

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2013-2014: Graduate Student Awards & Fellowships

Congratulations to all of our SMU graduate student winners!

Mellon Short-Term grant to Massachusetts Historical Society Meghan Tinning English
SSRC Social Scienc Research Council Dissertation Proposal Fellowship Kerri Brown Anthropology
Mensa Scholarship Saler Axel Simmons Education
Fulbright Grant to South Africa Afshan Kamrudin Anthropology
Fulbright ETA to Poland Corinne Matthews Electrical Engineering
Cuban Heritage Collection Grant Joseph Hartman Art History
Beck Institute Scholarship Noelle Smith Psychology
Getty Foundation Internship Rheagan Martin Art History
Ruth Landes Foundation Grant Shay Cannedy Anthropology
NSF DDRF, National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant Shay Cannedy Anthropology
DAAD Grant to Germany Joshua Mauldin Religious Studies
PEO Scholar Award Megan Hinrichsen Anthropology
Earth Sciences News

In the News: Earth Sciences Ph.D. Candidate, Benjamin Phrampus, interviewed by LifeScience

Siberian sinkholePh.D. Candidate, Benjamin Phrampus, discussed the possible relation of gas explosions and the Bermuda Triangle with LifeScience. The article appeared on Oct. 14, 2014.

Explosions of trapped methane gas are thought to account for the mysterious craters found in Siberia, including this one.
Credit: Screengrab Newslook Video

Earth Sciences Faculty News

Faculty in the News: Oct. 7-20, 2014