Chemistry Student Stories

Diary of a Ph.D. Student – Stephen Budy

August 21, 2017…

As the first day of school starts at Southern Methodist University (SMU) for the Fall 2017, I am still excited about another school year and all the new things to come. I started as a PhD graduate student in the chemistry department two years ago and remember coming a few weeks earlier into Dallas, TX for the first time to find a place to live and then to start graduate orientation before the semester officially began. Since the incoming chemistry graduate students were all tasked with being Teaching Assistants (TA’s), at least our first year, we went through training to make sure we still remembered our general chemistry and could adequately help undergraduates in the classes we would be TA’ing for. We even had to do the problems at the back of each chapter and then get up in front of the class and teach it to the rest of our incoming group. I think everyone was terrified of that part because it is well known that whenever you are in front of the class your IQ drops dramatically! At least it felt like it.

Then we had to take three American Chemical Society (ACS) three-hour exams that week to determine which graduate classes we would register for. One day we met other graduate students from other departments for a more general teaching orientation put on by SMU. That was nice to see and talk to other new graduate students to realize we all had the same overwhelming feeling and it was nice to bond together, and SMU even provided some free ice cream sandwiches from Pokey O’s. It was an exciting week getting used to a new city, school, department, and group of friends which we bonded together very quickly already going through the same things together.

At the end of the week before school started we had a department lunch introducing the seven of us to the rest of the chemistry department. Since we all had already chosen our individual research groups before we came to SMU, we had already met at least our research advisor, our group, and the two professors in charge of the orientation. The SMU chemistry department has about thirty graduate students and about fifteen research professors so it has a nice small family feel where we all know each other. I am always surprised and enjoy when I stop in the halls and chat with the other graduate students, the undergraduates doing research, and even the professors. I’m looking forward to another exciting semester and year taking classes and learning, doing research and expanding my knowledge and experience, and teaching and tutoring undergraduates and graduates.

Stephen M. Budy grew up in Bakersfield, CA and attended Bakersfield Community College where he received an A.S. degree in Physics and Mathematics. Then he transferred to Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA where he received his B.S. in Chemistry and Computer Science. After some industry and research experience he received his M.S. degree from the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ in Materials Science & Engineering. He then moved to Colorado to work as a researcher in the chemistry department of the University of Colorado, Denver and also in the Chemistry Research Center at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) in Colorado Springs, CO. After meeting a former Dr. Son PhD graduate from SMU’s chemistry department at the Academy and meeting Dr. Son at a conference, they both convinced him to apply and attend SMU. He is now starting his third year and glad he took their advice and now happily working alongside Dr. Son, his group, and the SMU chemistry department.
Admissions Chemistry

Introducing the Ph.D. in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

We are excited to introduce a brand-new Ph.D. program at Southern Methodist University!  The Ph.D. in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (TCC), offered through our Department of Chemistry, is the first program to offer a dedicated TCC doctoral curriculum.  Utilizing SMU’s High Performance Computing Center (“ManeFrame”), the TCC program will allow students to participate in a vivid research program stretching from software development and coding to simulation of homogeneous and enzyme catalysis, and everything in between.  Find out more online and submit your application for Fall 2017!


Anthropology Biology Chemistry Earth Sciences Economics Engineering English History Mathematics Physics Psychology Religious Studies Research Statistics

Research Day 2014


Research Day 2014, a set on Flickr.

SMU graduate and undergraduate students are invited and encouraged to present results of ongoing and completed SMU-based research. The goal of this event is to foster communication between students in different disciplines, give students the opportunity to present their work in a professional setting, and share the outstanding research being conducted at SMU with their peers and industry professionals from the greater Dallas community.