Anthropology Engineering English Religious Studies

2013-2014: Graduate Student Awards & Fellowships

Congratulations to all of our SMU graduate student winners!

Mellon Short-Term grant to Massachusetts Historical Society Meghan Tinning English
SSRC Social Scienc Research Council Dissertation Proposal Fellowship Kerri Brown Anthropology
Mensa Scholarship Saler Axel Simmons Education
Fulbright Grant to South Africa Afshan Kamrudin Anthropology
Fulbright ETA to Poland Corinne Matthews Electrical Engineering
Cuban Heritage Collection Grant Joseph Hartman Art History
Beck Institute Scholarship Noelle Smith Psychology
Getty Foundation Internship Rheagan Martin Art History
Ruth Landes Foundation Grant Shay Cannedy Anthropology
NSF DDRF, National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant Shay Cannedy Anthropology
DAAD Grant to Germany Joshua Mauldin Religious Studies
PEO Scholar Award Megan Hinrichsen Anthropology