The documentary below follows journalist Lisa Biagiotti as she explores the L.A. Times’ homeless data map. Throughout her exploration, Lisa Biagiotti talks to people who are living on the streets, discovering their stories, experiences, and struggles.
Click on the documentary below to hear real stories and gain insight into what homelessness actually is and the effect it can have on people.
Reflection Questions
- When you see a homeless person on the side of the road, what is your first reaction or thought? Do you make assumptions about the type of person they are or why they are homeless?
- When a person is struggling to get by and can’t make ends meet, how should the community react?
- How can you, as a member of Engage Dallas, help remove the stigma around homelessness and help those who are struggling financially?
Do you have any suggestions? Click the tool above to submit a comment, concern, or suggestion!