
Email Solution Implementation Leadership Committee

To provide guidance in the implementation of a new email marketing system, the Email Solution Implementation Leadership Committee (ESILC for short, we like our acronyms!) was created. It is composed of a cross-functional group of individuals across SMU to provide a representative perspective across campus. This group is advising on new processes, roles and responsibilities, and governance with a focus on the audience first, with the goal of yielding an excellent experience for email recipients.

Members of this committee are:

  • Lauren Adee, Deputy Director of Athletics/Chief Revenue Officer
  • Shane Goodwin, Associate Dean for Executive Education and Graduate Programs
  • Timmie Hathorn, Assistant Dean for Alumni and Career Success
  • Beryl Hellinghausen, Assistant Director for Academic Communications
  • Curt Herridge, Associate Chief Information Officer for Data and Application Services
  • Sander Hickerson, Assistant Director of Windows Infrastructure
  • Mona Horton, Associate Project Manager
  • Regina Moldovan, Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Communications
  • Rachel Mulry, Associate Chief Information Officer for Planning and Customer Service
  • Chase Robinson, Executive Director for Development Services
  • Sheri Starkey, Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer
  • Susan Watkins, Director for Direct Marketing

This committee began meeting on July 26 and meets monthly.