
How did this project come to be?

The transformation of email technology and practices at SMU has its roots in an email audit of alumni and donors conducted during Fiscal Year 2023. SMU hired Blue State Digital – experts in fundraising and digital marketing with long experience with leading universities – to analyze SMU’s existing email communications practices with alumni and donors, both from data and creative perspectives.

The reason for undertaking this work is that as SMU enters the middle years of the SMU Ignited campaign, more energy will be spent on expanding our base of supporters, so we want to make sure our relationships with donors are as strong as possible.

Key findings of the email audit include:

  • Significant investments across SMU in unconnected databases and email technologies, resulting in no comprehensive central database of record and uncoordinated efforts.
  • In the absence of a coordinated strategy, email clashes occur. An email clash occurs when an email address receives more than one email in a 48-hour period. Seventy to ninety percent of engagement occurs during this time, and when more than one email is received, they compete for the recipient’s attention and can lead to disengagement and unsubscribes.
  • Out of more than 200,000 email addresses, approximately 140,000 are used by only one unit or school, which may present an opportunity to connect those addresses with other parts of campus.
  • In addition, tens of thousands of email addresses are shared across schools and units – which creates issues as communications are not currently coordinated. For example, 72% of email addresses that are held by DEA, Cox and/or Athletics received two or more emails from SMU in a 48-hour period.

The recommendations from Blue State Digital were substantive, but the primary ones including

  • Moving to a shared email marketing system across campus.
  • Implementing a centralized calendar.
  • Creating templates that bring consistent branding and best practices to email communications.

A summary of the audit results has been published online. Although this audit is focused on alumni and donors, the recommended strategies can and will be applied to other audiences to improve and strengthen their experience with SMU.

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