SMU News Originally Posted: June 20, 2018 Congratulations to Sheri Kunovich, Chair of the Department of Sociology! She will join the Provost Office’s team on 9 July 2018 in the newly-titled role of Associate Provost for Student Academic Engagement and Success. Read the full letter from Steven C. Currall, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs HERE
Tag: sociology
NBC 5 Originally Posted: November 25, 2017 Jeffrey Kelley is a healthy SMU English and sociology major. He plays symbols in the SMU Mustang band. But, he was born with a congenital heart defect and had his first surgery at six weeks old. He was homeschooled and had limited physical activity until he had another […]
SMU NEWS Originally Posted: June 27, 2017 Hope Anderson, who graduated from SMU with degrees in history, sociology and human rights, talks about how mentorship made the difference in her education. Watch:
SMU News Originally Posted: May 9, 2017 Sunday, May 14, will officially launch a week of celebrations for SMU senior Dominique Earland. Not only is that her birthday, but it will fall on Mother’s Day – just as it did in 1995, the year Dominique was born. And after she receives two undergraduate degrees at […]
True or false? Social media advances social justice activism. Come and hear a panel of attorneys, activists, and media executives present their perspectives on social media and justice in Dallas. Free! Today! (April 26, 2017) 6:00 pm in McCord Auditorium, 306 Dallas Hall.
Event Date: 04/26/2017 Location: Dallas Hall 306 Time: 6:00 p.m. Reception and 6:30 p.m. Panel True or False? Social media advances social justice activism. Come and hear attorneys, activists, and a media executive present their perspectives on the effects of social media on conversations about justice in Dallas. Presented by the Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute and […]
LSE USCentre Originally Posted: March 14, 2017 American cities collectively hold about $3.7 trillion in bonds, which have historically been used to fund capital expenditures. In recent years, however, bond issuers have been strategically leveraging municipalities’ debts via derivatives, which have introduced systemic risk into the municipal finance system. L. Owen Kirkpatrick writes that the Trump administration’s […]