Christian Science Monitor Oct. 18, 2014 …“His White House team has really throughout his administration — but particularly in recent years, when approval ratings have been languishing – seemed not to anticipate developments,” says Cal Jillson, a political scientist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. “And maybe even more important, it hasn’t anticipated the politics […]
Category: Faculty News
KERA public radio 90.1 hosted SMU psychologist Alicia Meuret on Krys Boyd‘s “Think” program Oct. 6. Meuret, Boyd and Madhukar Trivedi, chair of the University of Texas-Southwestern’s Mental Health Department, discussed “How fear serves us and when it can lead us astray,” particularly in the wake of the much-discussed Ebola case in Dallas. READ MORE […]
THINK, KERA. Originally posted: October 6, 2014 Texas is considering new social studies textbooks for public school students for the first time since 2002. This hour, we’ll talk about questions that have arisen about how they teach culture and religion with a pair of SMU professors who testified about the books before the State Board […]
The process of integrating immigrant newcomers, particularly refugees, is complex and involves many possible approaches. Integration, as perceived and driven by national agendas, may not be felt or experienced in the same way by refugees. The concept of belonging offers a way to think about how those who are displaced understand being “in the right […]
(CNN) — Some people are wondering about the capability of the Secret Service after it was revealed that Omar Gonzalez, the fence jumper who breached White House security two weeks ago, made it much farther into the house than previously reported, running through the first floor before he was apprehended outside the Green Room. The […]
Houston Chronicle, October 3, 2014 …After high school, he found work with the oil field services firm Halliburton, according to his résumé. He earned a geology degree at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, then enrolled in a master’s program at SMU, where he became a favored student of a scientist named Brian […]
San Antonio Express WASHINGTON — As Americans wait to see how many more U.S. Ebola cases will be diagnosed, a sharp partisan divide is developing around the issue of whether or not the administration is doing enough to stop the spread of the disease. Particularly in the right-wing media, President Barack Obama is being blamed […]
The Economist: Goldilocks nationalism The size and homogeneity of a country’s population has a big bearing on its economic policies The Economist’s “Free Exchange” column covered the research of SMU economist Klaus Desmet as part of a larger examination of the ideal size of nations from an economic perspective and within the context of Scotland’s […]
San Francisco Chronicle slideshow and story quotes Dedman College history professor Kathleen Wellman while highlighting 15 big issues in Texas textbook debate READ MORE
The Atlantic ..Two economics researchers, Brown’s Oded Galor and Southern Methodist University’s Ömer Özak, recently published an ambitious paper reminiscent of Diamond’s work. Like Diamond, they make an argument that is so simple and intuitive that it at first glance appears reductive: People whose ancestors come from places with richer harvests are more likely to […]