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3 Reasons To Leave Your ‘People Never Change’ Philosophy Behind


There’s so much literature and discourse in our society suggesting that humans are incapable of change. Platitudes like ‘boys will be boys’ and ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ speak volumes about the way we perceive human personalities, especially problematic ones.

Holding such an absolute notion about something as dynamic as human nature can be harmful. Having said that, there is no arguing with the fact that, as imperfect beings, we do seek stability and we tend to get stuck in our ways. We’re also susceptible to bad habits and addictions.

If there are things about your personality that you would like to change, here are three reasons to not lose hope.

If there are things about your personality that you would like to change, here are three reasons to not lose hope.

#1. You’re changing, even when you don’t notice it

Dr. Nathan Hudson of Southern Methodist University designed a study, published in the Journal of Research in Personality, to understand the ingredients necessary for a successful trait-change intervention. The study found that, in the case of conscientiousness, change can happen without even committing to it.

“We found that simply asking people to perform conscientious behaviors, such as organizing their homes, starting assignments early, or being intentional about their daily schedule helped people become more conscientious over time,” says Hudson. READ MORE