Originally Posted: Sept. 2019 issue
The entrepreneur is maniacal about wake-up times, loves his Peloton, and is hopelessly addicted to Mi Cocina in Highland Park.
6:05 a.m.
I have become maniacal about sticking to the same wake-up time, regardless of time zone. If I’m at home, I’ll brew coffee (usually using Sightglass beans from Neighborhood Goods) and catch up on news, Slack, and email. If I’m traveling, I’ll go have breakfast. I try to avoid looking at email until I’ve eaten or had coffee.
7:30 a.m.
Much of my time before 9 a.m. is reserved for catching up on work and email. Around 7:30, though, I try to do some exercise of sorts. I’m quite addicted to our Peloton but occasionally go to Equinox in Highland Park, as well.
9 a.m.
Head to the Neighborhood Goods office. (We recently moved to Chase Tower, where we are highly and hilariously off-brand for the building.) Mornings are typically when I’m at my best, so I try to avoid too many calls and focus on meetings and critical emails or projects on my plate.