Dedman College News
Originally Posted: March 14, 2018

As part of his service to the scientific community, Vladimir Ajaev, SMU professor of mathematics was involved in organization of several conferences. He was a member of the Organizing Committee for the Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Mechanics (BIFD-2017) Meeting in Houston, TX (July 2017), Co-Chair of the International School of Young Scientists ‘Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer’ in Novosibirsk, Russia (September 2017), and a Scientific Committee Member for IPHT-2017 Conference in Xi’an, China (July, 2017). In January 2017, Ajaev was elected Vice Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Micro-and Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer. This highly respected conference, founded by E. Wang from MIT, brings together experts in chemical and mechanical engineering, computational mathematics, miscroscale manufacturing, and nanotechnology.