Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences

Message from President Turner to the SMU Community



TO:                The SMU Community

FROM:           R. Gerald Turner, President

We are all shocked and discomforted by the events of last evening in downtown Dallas.  Although these terrible outcomes did not occur on campus, they deeply affect us all.  The SMU community will once again need to pull together, provide comfort and support for each other, and continue our work to be a supportive, vibrant community.

As we continue to send our condolences and support to the family of SMU PD Officer Mark McCullers, we now broaden our support and prayers for the families of those Dallas officers killed or injured during last night’s horrible attack.  The gratitude of the entire Dallas community for the sacrificial service of these officers, both on and off campus, needs to be underscored in our comments and actions today and into the future.

We are contacting current students and potential students and their parents to reassure them of the support available on our campus in both normal and stressful times.

SMU grieves with our Dallas community for the officers lost and injured. The university asks that campus community members join with Dallas in observing a moment of silence at noon.

Support services are currently available for members of the SMU community at SMU Counseling Services (214-768-2277) and the SMU Chaplain’s Office (214-768-4507). READ MORE

  • A prayer service is planned for Perkins Chapel at noon Friday, July 8


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