Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Faculty News Psychology

Psychology faculty authors third most popular article in behavioral and cognitive therapies


2015’s most popular content in Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

We are proud to publish top quality research that impacts on a wide community. The following articles were the most shared and mentioned across social media, blogs and news outlets in the past year. These articles have been made free to access for the next 3 months.

Playing Tetris decreases drug and other cravings in real world settings Addictive Behaviors, Volume 51, December 2015, Pages 165–170

How we walk affects what we remember: Gait modifications through biofeedback change negative affective memory bias
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Volume 46, March 2015, Pages 121–125

Reducing Sexual Victimization Among Adolescent Girls: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of My Voice, My Choice
Behavior Therapy, Volume 46, Issue 3, May 2015, Pages 315–327

Mindfulness Meditation Training for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adulthood: Current Empirical Support, Treatment Overview, and Future Directions
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, Volume 22, Issue 2, May 2015, Pages 172–191

The sense of effort Current Opinion in Psychology, Volume 7, February 2016, Pages 67–70

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