On campus at the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center

- Students who need a test can contact the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center at 214-768-2141 to schedule an appointment.
- If you are enrolled in the University-sponsored health insurance plan: Costs are fully covered without additional steps.
- If you are enrolled in a non-University health insurance plan (such as your parent’s): Costs are typically fully covered after filing a claim.
- You will receive a charge for testing on your student portal, which most insurance providers will fully reimburse if you file a claim.
- In the event your insurance denies your claim, contact the Health Center and ask for assistance on testing costs.
Through an off-campus pharmacy or health provider
- If the Health Center is closed, students can receive a test through their local pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens) or in some cases, one of the local urgent care center listed here.
- Students who test positive must complete a Caring Community Connections Form to report their status. The University case management team will follow up with information about isolation and quarantine procedures, if needed.
Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services, State of Texas and Dallas County offer resources of where to find COVID-19 tests.
At home using an over-the-counter test
At-home testing kits are becoming more widely available through local pharmacies and health clinics. In the event you test positive through one of these kits, you should report your status to SMU through the CCC Form.
If reporting a COVID-19 positive test result for yourself or another SMU student, select “Confirmed COVID-19 Positive” in the “Nature of Report” section.
Also, include the following in Question 2 of “Incident Details”:
- Date of Onset of Symptoms and Description of Symptoms
- Date of Positive Test
- Residence (Commons, Fraternity or Sorority House, or Off-Campus)