October 2024 Announcements

Hello everyone! Here’s a brief outline of upcoming CGC events. There’s some pretty good stuff
here, so you won’t want to miss it!

• As a reminder, we are running an outreach event on October 26th from 9 AM – 5 PM at
the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History! If you want to volunteer, please
register here.
• It’s time to bring back the CGC’s famous Halloween party! Or, in this case, an All Hallows
Day party, since we’ll be holding it on November 1st starting at 4:30 PM in FOSC 123.
Come and enjoy our costume contests, frightening foods, and ghoulish games!
• Our next CGC Meeting will be held on November 7th at 3PM in FOSC 123. We will be
announcing future lectures in the Andrea Adams Seminar Series and we will be voting
on some amendments to the CGC By-Laws, so please be sure to come if you can!

I’d also like to address the situation with seminar speaker lunches. We apologize for the confusion, but the CGC will be taking over organizing speaker lunches for the semester. If you wish to go eat lunch with a seminar speaker, sign up for a slot on this spreadsheet.

Thanks for all the support and aid you’ve given to the CGC. Here’s hoping we see you soon!
–Joshua Plank

September 2024 Announcements

Hello everyone! Here’s a brief outline of stuff you need to know from the CGC.

Thanks again for all your help and participation! Here’s hoping to see you at our little board game party.

Joshua Plank

President of the Chemistry Graduate Council