SMU Rotunda Processional | August 25, 2024 SMU Rotunda Processional | August 25, 2024 SMU Student First Name If affiliated to a particular incoming student, please include their name here. SMU Student Last Name If affiliated to a particular incoming student, please include their name here. Volunteer Marshal First Name * Volunteer Marshal Last Name * Are you an SMU alum? * Yes, I am an SMU alum. No, I am not an SMU alum. What is your graduation year(s)? * Please check your affiliation(s): * Parent Faculty/Staff Black Alumni of SMU Board Latino Alumni of SMU Board Asian Pacific Islander Alumni of SMU Board SMU Young Alumni Board SMU Alumni Board Other (sibling, aunt, grandparent etc.) If other, please let us know your affiliation. * Email * Preferred Phone * Height * Used to provide you with the appropriate robe. Example: 5’11” Are there any additional guest(s) who would like to attend? * Yes No How many? * Select an option1234567 Guest 1 First Name * Guest 1 Last Name * Guest 1 Email * Is Guest 1 an SMU alum? * Yes, they are an SMU alum. No, they are not an SMU alum. What is Guest 1’s graduation year(s)? * Guest 1 Height * Used to provide guests with the appropriate robe. Example: 5’11” Guest 2 First Name * Guest 2 Last Name * Guest 2 Email * Is Guest 2 an SMU alum? * Yes, they are an SMU alum. No, they are not an SMU alum. What is Guest 2’s graduation year(s)? * Guest 2 Height * Used to provide guests with the appropriate robe. Example: 5’11” Guest 3 First Name * Guest 3 Last Name * Guest 3 Email * Is Guest 3 an SMU alum? * Yes, they are an SMU alum. No, they are not an SMU alum. What is Guest 3’s graduation year(s)? * Guest 3 Height * Used to provide guests with the appropriate robe. Example: 5’11” Guest 4 First Name * Guest 4 Last Name * Guest 4 Email * Is Guest 4 an SMU alum? * Yes, they are an SMU alum. No, they are not an SMU alum. What is Guest 4’s graduation year(s)? * Guest 4 Height * Used to provide guests with the appropriate robe. Example: 5’11” Please specify if you and/or any of your guests require ADA accommodations. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ