
The Website

The Election of 2004 website represents the first fruits of the SMU Center for Presidential History’s Collective Memory Project, an oral history project dedicated to enhancing the historical and archival record of the George W. Bush presidency and its times.

The Editors

This Collective Memory Project on the Election of 2004 has been, and will continue to be a collaborative effort. In addition to the dozens of scholars who have contributed to the site with original articles, the project has been led by Brian Franklin, Michael Nelson, and Aaron Crawford.

Transcriptions have been provided by the Audio Transcription Center, of Boston, MA.

The SMU Center for Presidential History

The Center for Presidential History (CPH) at Southern Methodist University exists to research and advance understanding of American presidential history. The CPH pursues this goal primarily through three complementary methods: Research, the Collective Memory Project, and public events.

Citation Guide

How to cite any Center for Presidential History interview.