
A New FAQ on Concur’s Travel Prices

Q: I hear rumors that Concur’s travel prices are more expensive than ones we can find on our own. Do we have any evidence we’re getting a better deal with Concur?

A: Yes! The Procurement team has been periodically pulling data to compare Concur’s prices with those of other travel sites. They’ve found that in every case, prices for hotels and flights available through Concur are equal to, or cheaper than, rates for those same hotels and flights.

For example, in a recent check of hotel prices in three major cities, Concur charged the same rate as, Kayak, Expedia and the hotels’ own websites for properties in Houston and Chicago and  matched the hotel website for the cheapest rate in New York. Similarly, in a check of domestic and international airfares on Southwest and American, Concur offered deals that were as good as, or better than, the prices on travel sites and on the airline websites themselves.

By Nick Rallo
