AdminImages Weekend Outage Scheduled June 21-23

AdminImages.SMU logoAdminImages, SMU’s document retention tool, will soon be undergoing major maintenance in two weeks time.

An outage has been scheduled to begin at 5 PM Friday, June 21 and will continue until the early morning of Monday, June 24. During this period, document scanning, viewing, and workflows will be unavailable. This outage allows OIT to upgrade AdminImages to the newest version of Perceptive Content, the underlying software that powers the service. This upgrade will enable a new web-based interface called Experience, which can be used in multiple browsers and will not require Java-like WebNow. WebNow and all other features of AdminImages will remain unchanged after this upgrade. If you have any questions regarding this outage, let us know at or 214-768-HELP.

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Published by

Zach Peterson

Zach is a Senior IT Training & Communications Consultant with OIT. Zach began his SMU career at the IT Help Desk in 2012 and joined the Training & Communications Team in 2015. He is a 2011 graduate from the University of North Texas and obtained a Master of Liberal Studies degree from SMU in 2018. He enjoys reading and collecting vintage and antique radio sets. He grew up in Valley View, Texas near Denton.