Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Earth Sciences Events Faculty News

Listen: Thousands Of Vertebrate Paleontologists Descend On Dallas


Originally Posted: October 15, 2015

LISTEN : Everything I knew about paleontology conferences, I learned from TV and “Friends.” There was that time Ross and his girlfriend were prepping for a conference in Barbados.

“By using CT scans and computer imaging, we can in a very real way bring the Mesozoic era into the 21st century,” Ross says.

In the real world, at the conference put on by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, the lingo isn’t so simple. Here are some of the session titles:

“A new large non-pterodactyloid pterosaur from a late-Jurassic interdunal desert environment with a neo-eolian nugget sandstone of Northeastern Utah.” READ MORE